5 Reasons To Consider CDEs in 2024 When Managing A Distributed Workforce

This is the recording of the webinar hosted by Strong Network and Tarmac, where Laurent Balmelli, CEO of Strong Network, along with Clea Conley, CEO of Wolfpack Security, and Brent Castner from Tarmac, explore the benefits of Cloud Development Environments (CDEs). The panel discusses how CDEs improve security, scalability, and collaboration for managing distributed workforces in 2024

5 Reasons To Consider CDEs in 2024 When Managing A Distributed Workforce

Learn From an Industry Expert

Understanding cloud environments, cybersecurity risks, and best practices

Dr. Laurent Balmelli is co-founder and CEO of Strong Network. He sold his last cybersecurity start-up, Strong Codes to the US company Snapchat in 2016 and led cybersecurity efforts at Snap during a three-year earn out period from 2016 to 2020.

After earning his PhD from ETH in Switzerland in 2000, Laurent also worked 12 years at IBM Research Division and CTO office in New York and Tokyo before moving back to Switzerland.

Brent is the CTO at Tarmac, he’s a lover for automation and pizza. He advocates for an end-to-end DevOps culture, treating infrastructure as code and prioritizing quality in the software development process. Brent supports using Continuous Integration (CI) and Continuous Delivery (CD) environments to deliver software quickly and consistently to high standards.

Clea is the Co-Founder and CEO of Wolfpack Security. She guides the company's vision and delivery, bridging technology and people in the AppSec consulting space. With 15 years of experience in security and tech, she's held roles in sales, delivery, advisory, and product management. Clea enjoys solving root causes of problems and finding win-win solutions for everyone.

Why Does It Matter?

This webinar is crucial for modern enterprises as it demonstrates how Cloud Development Environments (CDEs) can transform remote team management. By emphasizing security, scalability, and collaboration, the panel discusses key benefits such as improved workforce efficiency, streamlined development processes, and enhanced security measures for distributed teams.

Addressing the challenges faced by organizations with distributed workforces, the webinar provides actionable insights into how CDEs can simplify infrastructure management and security compliance. The discussion highlights the potential for significant cost savings and optimized resource allocation, ensuring a higher return on investment.

With Cloud Development Environments, companies can enhance their development workflows through better visibility and centralized control. The webinar showcases how real-time monitoring and observability within CDEs allow teams to track key performance indicators such as code quality, development speed, and security compliance.

What This Webinar Covers

How Cloud Development Environments (CDEs) boost security for distributed teams, ensuring that sensitive data and intellectual property are protected while improving overall development efficiency.

Strategies for leveraging CDEs to enhance collaboration across remote teams, allowing seamless interaction, real-time updates, and faster project delivery.

The cost-saving potential of adopting CDEs, showcasing how they reduce hardware expenses, optimize infrastructure, and improve scalability for growing enterprises.

5 Reasons To Consider CDEs in 2024 When Managing A Distributed Workforce

Explore 5 key reasons why Cloud Development Environments (CDEs) are vital for efficiently managing a distributed workforce in 2024, boosting security and scalability

Webinar Transcript:

Introduction and Sponsor Information

Michael (Moderator):
If not, we will have a Q&A at the end, so we look forward to that. If you have any other questions, feel free to use the chat. Before we jump in, I want to mention that this webinar is sponsored by Tarmac and Use Trace.
Starting with Tarmac, they are your technology solution provider, with expertise in design, software development, and DevOps. In today's ever-changing world of technology, you need a trusted partner, and Tarmac is that partner. You can find out more at Tarmac.io.
This webinar is also brought to you by Use Trace, a leading SaaS provider for browser-based automation testing. In today’s development world, automation needs both speed and agility, and Use Trace provides both. They keep simple things simple and complex things possible.

Panelists Introduction

Michael (Moderator):
Now, onto our main event. I’d love for our panelists to introduce themselves. Clea, could you start us off?

Clea's Introduction

Sure! Hi everyone, Clea here, based in Minneapolis, Minnesota. I'm the co-founder and CEO of Wolfpack Security, a cybersecurity company. We help product and development teams build secure products through services like penetration testing, architecture reviews, and secure code reviews. Our focus is being the bridge between shipping products quickly and ensuring they’re secure.

Laurent's Introduction

Michael (Moderator):
Thanks, Clea. Laurent?
My name is Laurent Bameli. I'm based in Lausanne, Switzerland, and I’m the founder and CEO of a company called Network. We’re the only secure CDE platform on the market. Today, we’ll be discussing a lot about security, and we'll define what that means. Essentially, we provide the technology that will be central to this discussion.

Brent's Introduction

Michael (Moderator):
Thank you. Brent?
Hello! Good afternoon and good morning, everyone. My name is Brent Castner, and I’m currently in Uruguay. One interesting aspect of this conversation is that it's happening across three continents! I’m 46 years old, and I've been in this industry for 24-25 years. It still amazes me that in 2024, we can do things like this.
So, I’ve been in software development for 24 years now, working as a developer, network engineer, and operations person. I’m still very hands-on—I like to write code and automate things. At Tarmac, we’re involved in a lot of cool, global trends, and I think cloud development environments (CDEs) and secure development are topics we think about every day. I’m very excited about this panel, as we’ll approach these topics from multiple angles. We do have an agenda, but I’d love to hear from the audience if you have any questions. Don’t hesitate to raise your hand, and we’ll go from there. That’s it from me. Michael?

Defining Key Terms: CDEs and VDIs

Michael (Moderator):
Thanks, Brent. Before we dive in, I wanted the panelists to clarify some key definitions. I know many people on the webinar might be familiar with them, but I find it helpful for everyone to be on the same page.
Brent, could you start us off with some definitions?

Brent's Explanation of CDEs

Sure, I'll give you two definitions. The first is for non-experts, and the second is for people who do coding.
Laurent, since you're the CDE expert here, why don't you take the first one? I have my definition, but let’s hear from the master first.

Laurent's Explanation of Cloud Development Environments

Sure! Imagine a cloud development environment (CDE) as a machine that exists online. You can connect to it and work on it just like you would on a physical machine on your desk. It's a remote machine used for development. For developers, it’s similar to using Docker on your machine to isolate dependencies needed for software applications. Instead of hosting those containers on your laptop, you’d have them online in the cloud, managed for you by a platform, so you don’t have to handle it yourself.

The Difference Between VDIs and CDEs

I love it. Actually, let's dive into that for a second because there’s a bit of nuance here. Historically, CDEs aren’t brand new. Before CDEs, we had things called VDIs, right? Laurent, you’ve talked a lot about VDIs. What would you say is the main difference between a Virtual Desktop Interface (VDI) and a Cloud Development Environment (CDE)? I know we’ll get into this later, but I think it's an interesting nuance. It might also help to use an analogy, so people can relate to something they’ve experienced before.
Right, a good analogy might be remote desktops—like when you use Windows’ remote desktop to connect to another machine. A CDE is similar in that it’s remote, but there’s no desktop. For older engineers like me, you might remember connecting to machines via terminals, using SSH to remotely access a machine, where you’d get a prompt to perform operations. That’s essentially what a CDE is. You can think of it as a remote machine—virtually running processes.
Now, in terms of technology, a CDE is a bit more sophisticated than a virtual machine. A virtual machine simulates many components, including devices, but a CDE is more streamlined. It’s like a remote machine you access from your desktop. You mentioned VDIs, or Virtual Desktop Infrastructures, which are commonly used in industries like banking, insurance, and manufacturing. VDIs offer security guarantees, often preventing users from exfiltrating data by restricting how applications are used. That’s why companies in those sectors use this kind of technology.
Michael (Moderator):
Great, thanks for clarifying.

The Role of IDEs in Software Development

So I think of this as an “either/or” situation. In an Integrated Development Environment (IDE), engineers or developers do their actual work. In the most basic form, you have text editors like Vi, but an IDE is much more robust and offers significant advantages. Aside from just writing code, most IDEs have features like auto-completion, helping developers reference function calls or objects within a namespace.
IDEs also provide useful features like running and debugging code while you’re developing. It’s really the main toolkit of a modern developer. What’s interesting is that IDEs are also transitioning to virtual setups, which ties into what we’re discussing today—more and more of the development work is shifting to the cloud.
If you don't mind, I’ll segue into mobile device management solutions, unless Clea or Laurent have something to add about IDEs.

Examples of IDEs

I was just thinking—do you want to give some examples of IDEs? Developers might find it easier to relate.
Yeah, perfect. Right now, Visual Studio Code is probably the most widely adopted IDE, but things are always evolving. Before that, I was a big fan of JetBrains—especially RubyMine, since my background is in Ruby and mobile apps. There’s always something new coming around, but most IDEs are built on the core concepts I mentioned: auto-completion, debugging through code, and the ability to reference where code is being called from. These features help developers make smarter decisions as they work.
A text editor, by contrast, is just that—a basic tool for editing text, more like a word processor, without all those additional features.

Mobile Device Management Solutions (MDM) and Security

Now, I’ll quickly step into mobile device management (MDM) solutions, which emerged out of a need for security. We’ll discuss data exfiltration more as we go, but this is a crucial area of concern. As an organization, you want to protect your data and code from falling into the wrong hands. For a long time, if your organization didn’t use VDI or other remote solutions, you’d install an agent on a laptop. This agent would handle things like patch management, disk encryption, and, if necessary, remote deletion in case the device was compromised.
While this was the best solution for securing physical devices, it still only addressed the symptoms rather than the root issues. Smart attackers could still find ways around MDMs, such as preventing remote deletion. So, while MDMs were good for a long time, they have limitations. Attack vectors are getting more sophisticated, and MDMs alone are not enough to provide full protection. Does anyone want to add to that?

The Role of Asset Management in MDM

Would you also include asset management in that conversation—tracking where devices are and who has them?
That’s a great point. Yes, absolutely. Once an agent is installed on a device, you can track additional functionality, like asset management. In a small company of five people, it’s easy to keep track of devices mentally. But in an organization of thousands, it becomes much more complex. I’m not saying MDMs aren’t useful, but they’re limited when it comes to security. However, they do offer benefits, especially in asset management. So, that’s a really good point.

Cyber Hygiene and Basic Security Practices

These are great definitions and points. I think we should also define cyber hygiene. It’s really simple: do all the “boring” but essential tasks that you might not want to do but have to do. Cyber hygiene includes things like access control, patch management, and assigning roles and responsibilities. These basics are crucial for protecting your data, assets, and intellectual property, especially when adopting new technologies like CDEs.
As someone from a pen testing firm, I can tell you the basics are often where we find vulnerabilities. They’re critical, yet frequently overlooked. When thinking about CDEs, it’s important to bring these fundamental security practices along with you.

Chain of Custody in Cloud Development Environments

I’ll quickly touch on Chain of Custody. Think of it like a criminal investigation: who had control of the asset, when, and what changes did they make? It’s about tracking and proving the history of an asset. I spent 12 years at IBM, and Chain of Custody is an under-researched and under-utilized concept.
CDEs, being online environments, bring a new dimension to Chain of Custody. Because everything is tracked and resides online rather than on physical devices, maintaining governance becomes easier. This is one of the exciting aspects of CDE technology—everything is traceable, and I think there’s a lot of potential for developing this further in cloud environments.

Compliance Costs in Cybersecurity

Perfect. Lastly, let’s touch on compliance costs, which are always going up, whether you’re talking about compliance frameworks like HIPAA, FedRAMP, SOC 2, or even insurance. Insurance companies are becoming much more aware of security risks. If you look at cybersecurity policy applications today, they’ve gone from being half a page of questions to 4, 6, 8, or even 10 pages, asking for evidence. These companies are getting more knowledgeable and are focused on protecting their downside risk. I think that’s enough on compliance—any other feedback before we move on?
I’m based in Europe, and I’ll just add that ISO 27001 is also a big deal here.

GDPR and Compliance Innovation

And don't forget GDPR, which transformed the way we think about data. Compliance costs don't just apply to technology; they also affect businesses by slowing down innovation and speed. The more you can build compliance and security into the process from the start—secure by design—the less it will feel like a burden. It also makes it easier to prove compliance to insurance providers and achieve certifications.
I love the American view that compliance slows you down—unless, of course, you’re innovating in compliance.
Well, I run a security company, so compliance helps us check the boxes, but I agree with you. Sometimes it feels like a drag.

The GDPR Challenge and Industry Challenges Overview

That was a quick but accurate take.
Michael (Moderator):
Definitely. That’s why GDPR has been such a challenge. It’s about a decade old now, but it really set people off because they had to figure out how to implement things like the right to be forgotten. Many companies weren’t designed for that. But speaking of keeping us on track, that’s my job, so let’s move on. Brent, do you want to kick us off on some of the industry challenges?

Global Device Management and Security Issues

Sure. We don’t need to go in-depth point by point, but what’s interesting about industry challenges is that, as we prepared for this conversation, we made a list of things people are still concerned about when managing a workforce—remote or otherwise.
One major issue is devices. This affects any global company, and it’s becoming more common. Covid blurred the lines between countries in terms of workforce management, but not every country is like the U.S., where you can just pop into an Apple store and buy 10 MacBooks. Some places don’t have easy access to standardized hardware and software, and that challenge still exists today.
Theft or loss is another global issue. Whether employees are in the office or working remotely, sophisticated criminals target them to steal laptops, phones, and other devices to break into company defenses. Most of the risk now comes from internal sources—either employees exfiltrating data or malicious actors bypassing security by gaining access through compromised devices.
That’s a good segue into phishing—something Clea is very familiar with, so let’s talk a bit about that.

Phishing and Evolving Threats

Sure. I mean, we’ve all been phished. We've all experienced it. Hackers are becoming more sophisticated. For instance, how many of us have received those UPS text messages? It's not just in our emails anymore—it's invading every aspect of our lives, meeting us where we do business and how we respond. So, the strategy for protecting employees, or even your family, from phishing has to evolve.
When it comes to CDEs, this is where an extra layer of protection comes into play. You’re protecting your most critical assets by keeping all your intellectual property (IP) and sensitive information in a secure environment. That extra layer of security—where all your "secret sauce" is stored elsewhere—adds significant protection. That's what has stood out to me as we delve deeper into this.

Supply Chain Attacks and Asset Custody

I’ll add something about the supply chain aspect. We’ve seen that insider threats are becoming increasingly sophisticated. In the past, attackers would focus on breaking into large enterprises directly. Now, more often, they look for the weakest vendor in the supply chain to find a way in and then access the "mothership." This raises important questions about asset custody and resource management. While it’s always been a challenge, the new element is the sophistication of these attacks.
I also mentioned legal jurisdiction earlier. With businesses operating in multiple countries, the question of "Where is my data?" and "Where are my developers located?" becomes more important. Being able to prove these things is increasingly on people’s minds.
In terms of supply chain management, especially in software, we’ve seen the concept of a Software Bill of Materials (SBOM), similar to how the industrial sector uses a bill of materials for physical products. CDEs can link to your SBOM tools, making it easier to manage dependencies and ensure compliance. With a CDE, it’s much easier to enforce these policies than if you're relying on distributed laptops, where enforcement would be on an individual basis.

Remote Work and the Limitations of VDI Solutions

Cool. We can quickly touch on the last three points. First, remote work introduced new security challenges during COVID—such as workers using unsecured Wi-Fi or failing to use VPNs. All of this ties back into the cost of insurance and compliance, which we’ve already discussed, so I won’t rehash that.
Finally, I wanted to add a point because I heard Laurent mention, “If you’re as old as I am...” Well, I’m old enough to remember working with the leading VDI solutions out there, and it was painful—slow screen refreshes, clunky functionality. If developers and engineers don’t buy into the system, it’s simply not going to work. This is still a challenge, as those older VDI solutions remain in use today.
Absolutely, VDI still has a huge footprint in the industry. Some companies have 50,000-60,000 machines running VDIs that are being used daily. It’s a massive pain, but it’s also a huge opportunity for companies like ours to improve the user experience.

Data Sovereignty and Compliance in Cloud Development Environments

And that’s a quick roundup of some of the challenges. I know we're running a little long on time, so Michael, should we jump right into the questions, or do we want to keep going?
Moderator (Michael):
Actually, let's pause here. We'll take a quick break, and when we return, we’ll dive into the panel questions and continue our conversation. Thanks, everyone, for sticking with us. We’ll see you in about five minutes.

Q&A Session on Data Sovereignty and Security

Moderator (Michael):
Welcome back, everyone! Let’s continue our discussion with some of the questions we received during the break. Laurent, the first one is for you. It’s about data sovereignty. The question is: with CDEs being primarily cloud-based, how do you ensure that data remains within specific geographic boundaries, especially in regions with strict data protection laws like the EU?
Great question. This is something we think about a lot. One of the advantages of cloud development environments is that you can configure them to respect geographical boundaries. For example, you can host your CDE instances on servers located only within the EU if your operations are focused there, ensuring compliance with GDPR and other regulations. Cloud platforms offer the flexibility to scale up or down based on demand while maintaining data locality. It’s not just about compliance, but also about giving our customers confidence that their data is secure and under control, regardless of where they are in the world.
Absolutely, Laurent. It’s about building trust with your customers. They need to know that you’re not only technically capable but also responsible with their data. That’s why transparency in how and where data is processed is so crucial in today’s business environment.

Security Benefits of Cloud Development Environments

Moderator (Michael):
Thank you both. Let’s move on to another question, this time about security. Clea, this one’s for you: With the increasing complexity of cyber threats, how do secure cloud development environments provide an advantage over traditional on-premises solutions?
Thanks, Michael. One of the key advantages of CDEs in terms of security is centralized management. In traditional setups, each developer might have their own local environment, with different security standards or updates. A CDE ensures uniformity—all developers work within the same updated and monitored environment. This greatly reduces the risk of individual workstations becoming a weak link. Plus, with everything hosted in the cloud, there’s less physical hardware to manage, meaning fewer attack vectors. Consolidating control in this way simplifies the security landscape, which is increasingly important as threats become more sophisticated.

Cloud Development Environments (CDEs) Webinar Q&A Session

Scalability of CDEs vs Traditional Environments

Moderator (Michael):
That makes perfect sense. Thanks, Clea. Our next question is for Brent, and it’s about scalability. How do CDEs handle sudden increases in demand or team size, especially when compared to traditional environments?
Scalability is one of the strongest aspects of CDEs. Traditional setups often require physical hardware upgrades or additional licenses to accommodate growth. With CDEs, scaling is virtual and can be done in minutes with just a few clicks. This flexibility is not only convenient but also cost-effective because you can scale up or down based on actual demand, without overcommitting financially. And it’s not just about adding more developers—you can also adapt quickly to changes in project scope or deadlines, which is often a challenge in more rigid, traditional environments.

Integration of CDEs with Enterprise Systems

Moderator (Michael):
Great point, Brent. Thank you for explaining that. Let’s take one last question, which is about integration. How do CDEs integrate with existing enterprise systems, especially those that are complex and have been in place for years?
Integration is crucial when deploying any new technology, and CDEs are built with compatibility in mind. They connect to enterprise systems through APIs and middleware, allowing for smooth data flows and functionality. It’s about creating bridges between the new and the old, ensuring that transitioning to a CDE doesn’t disrupt existing workflows. These integrations are not just technical but also aligned with business processes and security protocols to ensure a seamless operation.

Panelists' Final Thoughts

Moderator (Michael):
Excellent. Thank you, Brent. That wraps up our Q&A session. I appreciate the insightful questions from our audience and the thoughtful responses from our panelists.
Before we wrap up, any final thoughts from our panelists?
Just a quick thought on embracing new technologies like CDEs. It’s important to keep security and compliance top of mind, but don’t shy away from innovation. CDEs offer a path to more secure, manageable, and scalable development environments, and they can provide significant advantages in both security and efficiency.
Absolutely, Clea. From a business perspective, CDEs represent a shift toward more agile and responsive development practices. They’re not just about technical improvements—they help businesses adapt quickly to changes and opportunities, which is essential in today’s fast-paced world.
I’d add that as we move forward, maintaining control over data and processes in the cloud will become increasingly important. CDEs provide the framework for that control, helping businesses meet their security and compliance needs while still fostering innovation.

Conclusion and Next Steps

Moderator (Michael):
Thank you, panelists, for your insights and expertise. And thank you to everyone who joined us today. We hope this webinar was informative and helpful. We look forward to seeing you at our next event. Have a great day, everyone!
We’ll take a short break before continuing with our next segment on best practices for implementing secure CDEs in your organization.

Best Practices for Implementing Secure CDEs

Moderator (Michael):
Welcome back, everyone. Let’s dive into the next segment. Laurent, could you start by discussing some foundational elements of a secure cloud development environment?
Absolutely, Michael. One of the most critical elements is configuring access controls. It’s essential to ensure that only authorized personnel have access to specific resources within the CDE. This can be managed through robust identity and access management protocols, including multi-factor authentication (MFA) and role-based access controls (RBAC).
Adding to Laurent’s point, encryption is another cornerstone. All data, both at rest and in transit, should be encrypted to prevent unauthorized access. This includes implementing HTTPS for all communications within the CDE and using strong encryption protocols for data storage.
And don’t forget about monitoring and logging. Continuous monitoring of the CDE can help detect potential security threats in real-time, while comprehensive logging ensures you have a trail of activities to audit and track down any security incidents that occur.

Integration with Existing Security Tools

Moderator (Michael):
Those are excellent points. Now, how about integration with existing security tools? How can organizations ensure their CDE integrates smoothly with their current security infrastructure?
It’s crucial to choose a CDE platform that offers APIs and integration capabilities compatible with your existing security tools. This allows you to plug the CDE into your Security Operations Center (SOC) and leverage your existing Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) systems for an integrated security posture.
Exactly. It’s also about selecting a provider that understands the specific compliance requirements of your industry, whether it’s HIPAA, GDPR, or another regulatory framework. Ensuring that your CDE provider meets these requirements is key to maintaining compliance and avoiding potential legal issues.

Audience Q&A: Challenges in Transitioning to CDEs

Moderator (Michael):
Thank you for those insights. Now, let’s take some questions from our audience about implementing CDEs. Here’s one: What are the common challenges organizations face when transitioning to a CDE, and how can they overcome them?
One common challenge is the cultural shift. Moving to a CDE can be a significant change for development teams used to traditional setups. To address this, it’s important to provide comprehensive training and phase the transition, so teams have time to adapt without disrupting ongoing projects.
Another challenge is data migration. Ensuring that data is transferred securely and efficiently to the CDE is critical. Using data migration tools that can automate and validate the process helps reduce risks and minimize manual effort.

Cost-Effectiveness of Implementing CDEs

Moderator (Michael):
Great answers. Let’s take one more question, this one about cost: How cost-effective is it to implement a CDE, and what should organizations consider to ensure they get value for their investment?
CDEs can be very cost-effective due to their scalability and efficiency. Organizations should consider not just the upfront costs but also the long-term savings from reduced hardware needs, lower operational costs from automation, and improved developer productivity. Evaluating different vendors to find a solution that fits both your budget and requirements is also important.

Closing Remarks and Thank You

Moderator (Michael):
Thank you, Laurent, Brent, and Clea, for your expertise. We’ve covered a lot today, and I hope our audience has found this discussion informative and helpful. As we wrap up, any final thoughts?
Just that the future of software development is in the cloud, and CDEs are a big part of that. Embracing this technology can greatly enhance security, efficiency, and scalability for both developers and organizations.
Moderator (Michael):
Thank you, everyone, for attending today’s webinar on secure cloud development environments. We appreciate your engagement and questions, and we look forward to your participation in future webinars. Have a wonderful day!

Acknowledgements and Closing Comments

Moderator (Michael):
As we wrap up, I’d like to thank our sponsors, Tarmac and Use Trace, for making this event possible. Also, a big thank you to our panelists, Laurent, Clea, and Brent, for their invaluable contributions today.
It’s been a pleasure discussing these critical topics. I hope we’ve provided some useful insights that you can take back to your teams and projects.
Absolutely, and remember, security isn’t just a technical issue—it’s a business imperative. Implementing robust security practices, like those in CDEs, can significantly reduce risks and protect your assets.
Yes, and as technology evolves, so should our strategies. Staying ahead in security is about being proactive and informed. Events like this are crucial for sharing knowledge and best practices.
Moderator (Michael):
Well said, everyone. To our attendees, thank you for your participation and thoughtful questions. We hope you found this webinar informative and engaging. Keep an eye on your emails for our follow-up survey and details of upcoming webinars.
The recording will be available on our website, and we encourage you to share it with colleagues who might benefit from today’s discussions. Have a great day, and we look forward to seeing you at our next event. Goodbye!
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