Strong Network is now featured in the latest 2023 Gartner's Agile and DevOps report as a vendor featured in the new technology category Cloud Development Environments (CDEs).
In the report, VP Analyst Manjunath Bhat highlights CDEs as a highly beneficial emerging technology to organizations' DevOps workflow.
Also, Gartner predicts a 60% increase in cloud-based workloads built and deployed using CDEs by 2026.
In particular, Gartner cites CDEs as a way to enhance developer productivity, as well as developer experience.
With a CDE platform, organizations can support a distributed workforce at scale. In this context, the use of the platform notably reduces the cost of onboarding developers remotely. Achieving governance of global development teams is also made more efficient by enabling increased workflow automation. Finally, CDEs also improve development asset security.
In the report, Gartner also mentions some challenges, such as potential connectivity issues, but still grades CDEs as highly beneficial to organizations for modern application development.
Please contact Gartner at for more information about obtaining the full report - Copyright 2023 (c) Strong Network
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